Fisheries Conservation Foundation

Community Conservation

The well-being of all communities is closely tied to the health of their environment. We seek to explore ways to connect local communities with nature-based sustainable practices that will improve their health and welfare.

Community-based conservation is an approach that engages local communities in protecting their local natural resources. Sustenance and livelihoods are often linked to the rivers and forests that surround villages and communities and when locals are involved in decision-making and management, they are often more invested in the success of the conservation efforts. This engagement can lead to better compliance with regulations, more effective monitoring of fish populations, and more effective enforcement of regulations. Additionally, local communities may have knowledge of local fish populations that is not available to outside experts, and this knowledge can be valuable in guiding conservation efforts.

Building a sense of stewardship and pride for the health of rivers and aquatic life is an important element in community-based conservation. This can lead to a greater willingness to participate in conservation efforts, as well as a greater willingness to report illegal or unsustainable fishing practices.

One direct benefit for local communities in the growth in ecotourism, including recreational angling. By prioritizing the preservation of native fish in the river, we can help to ensure the health and stability of aquatic ecosystems, which can in turn benefit human communities that rely on these resources for food and other important services.

Learn how communities in Thailand work together to protect their fisheries.